I've been experimenting with Apple Reminders for about a month now. It's definitely not as powerful as OmniFocus, but that might be a good thing. Thus, experimenting.
Saying Goodbye to Working With OmniFocus
In most cases, the situation is different depending on the course. Some of them are $200 or more. And some are even $1,000+. When they break $100, I have very high expectations of the course and there's a lot of risk on my part to spending that kind of money to watch some videos. So far, that risk has been too high to justify the expense. I would rather spend a few hours researching the topic online and spend the money elsewhere.

Using An Elgato Stream Deck With OmniFocus
I bought a 32-key Elgato Stream Deck because I was getting tired of remembering (and running out) of hotkey combinations. And at the time, I was ramping up my streaming game and wanted to add a little convenience to my life. What I didn't expect was the ridiculous amount of power and macro-pad like the Stream Deck enables.

Automators 69: Joe Buhlig and Automating OmniFocus
Early last week I received a text message from my friend, David Sparks, that said he was recording an episode of Automators on OmniFocus the next day and wanted to know if I could make it last minute. Who says "no" to that? Not me.
Auto-Parsing Tasks in OmniFocus on iOS
Back in 2015, I had an idea. What if it was possible to email (manually or auto-generated) a task into OmniFocus and have it automatically end up in the correct project and context? And if that's possible, can I add all the dates, notes, duration, and such to the task as well? It turned out that it was possible! And I built a little script and method for doing exactly that.

What Does A Content Calendar Look Like In OmniFocus? [Stream Recording]
Content creation is both the easiest job to do and the hardest. This is a sneak peak at the hard part. Creating the files themselves simply takes time and gets easier the more you do it. Coming up with what to create is often the most difficult.
The OmniFocus Update Reviews Script Comes to iOS
This has long been a desire of mine. I have written these scripts in AppleScript. But I wanted them to be available on all platforms. The problem was that it simply wasn't possible to do the level of scripting I needed to pull it off. This is why I'm thrilled to say that the day has finally come. The day that the Update Reviews AppleScript for OmniFocus has come to iOS!

What Is It Like To Leave OmniFocus For Pen And Paper? [Webinar Recording]
A recording of the webinar from 20200918.
OmniFocus Bible Reading Plan For 2020
What better habit to build than reading your Bible daily? This is something I have been working on for five years now, reading my Bible in its entirety in 365 days.
New Year's Sale On Working With OmniFocus
I want to help you out. It’s the time of year when a lot of us take a step back and reflect on what we’re doing and how we’re doing it. We do our annual reviews, set some goals, or make a plan for the upcoming year. But it’s also an excellent time to reflect on the tools we use to do all of the above.
On Learn OmniFocus: My OmniFocus 3 Workflows Webinar Recording
Learn OmniFocus is easily one of my favorite places to go when I need motivation around my OmniFocus system. So it was a high honor to be able to spend some time with the Learn OmniFocus community going through my current OmniFocus structure and how it works for me. Be sure to check out the free recording on the Learn OmniFocus site.

Working With OmniFocus 3.0 Is Here! (plus some extras)
Well, folks, it's time. Working With OmniFocus 3.0 is officially available!

Inspiration For A New OmniFocus Setup And Workflow
It's official. I've come back to OmniFocus in full force. But after making that decision, I realized that my life is very different from where I was when I was using OmniFocus previously. And that means rethinking the whole structure. So I went on a search for inspiration and came up with a plethora of valuable resources.

Behind The Scenes Of Working With Omnifocus
More often than not, I find myself surprised by the questions I get after releasing a new script or product. After releasing Working With OmniFocus I received more emails about how the site is set up then I did about the course itself. It's apparent to me that this is something different that others are interested in. So here's how I did it.

Multiple Lines in Drafts to Multiple Tasks in OmniFocus
One piece missing in my Drafts actions arsenal was the ability to create a single draft with multiple tasks and send them all to OmniFocus via the new URL schemes. This isn't something I use often but there are times when it would be useful and can be the difference between capturing everything and missing a vital thought.

Targeted OmniFocus Templates With Workflow
I've been impressed by the speed of the Omni Group's release cycles lately. It's obvious they are hard at work on the automation methods for both iOS and macOS. One of these recent releases introduced the ability to create new projects within a specific folder on iOS.

Introducing The New Working With OmniFocus
Working With OmniFocus has been recreated in video format! It's now available on the new dedicated website: workingwithomnifocus.com.

Moving OmniFocus Scripts To iOS
I have been hesitant to adopt the new automation methods in OmniFocus for iOS. The abilities of the new URL Scheme are exciting but there's still quite a bit missing from the structure as it stands.

Updates For Working With OmniFocus
It's been about nine months since I released Working With OmniFocus. A lot has happened in that time and my systems around OmniFocus have morphed quite a bit. Throw in a pile of learning accrued from other projects and I have decided to make some significant changes to the book.

TextExpander And OmniFocus
TextExpander and OmniFocus are two of the first tools I install on any new device, so it's no surprise that the two work well together. You may expect some kind of Applescripting or shell magic, but I keep this extremely simple and only use true text expansion with OmniFocus. I run the scripts manually or behind the scenes with Hazel.

Checklists in OmniFocus
Keeping different types of information in separate apps or systems is sometimes worth the extra infrastructure. But there is also a lot of value and mental freedom in using an existing process for multiple forms of data.

Hazel Keeping OmniFocus Updated
There are times when you need a feature in software that doesn't currently exist. Sometimes that leads to exploring alternatives or even creating your own, which is how inventors and entrepreneurs get a lot of their ideas.

The OmniFocus Dashboard
I write and talk about my OmniFocus Dashboard a lot. And that's for good reason: it's the central hub of my day-to-day work and the place where my decisions about the day surface.

Choosing OmniFocus Settings
No application setup is complete without tweaking the settings to your liking. This is the power (and struggle) of OmniFocus. Some of the available options make drastic changes while others lead to subtleties you may not notice.

22: Addiction to Numbers
Since I started my business I've developed an addiction to checking numbers. But I watched a webinar last week that really changed the game for me and has me hand writing my schedule for the day.

Reviews and Scripting - Learn OmniFocus Webinar
A great asset behind OmniFocus is the community of people willing to share and ask questions; and one place to enjoy the resources this community creates is at Learn OmniFocus.

Working with OmniFocus
In the two days before this book launched I checked off 387 tasks in OmniFocus. And there's no other tool I'd rather do it with.

Scheduled Reviews in OmniFocus
Every Friday morning I do my Weekly Review. I do my Monthly Review on the first of the month and my Annual Review on the first of the year. How do I get OmniFocus to play nicely with this?

OmniFocus Auto-Parser
I love it when my systems do things automatically. In this case, I can capture an idea for a someday/maybe list and it ends up in the right place in OmniFocus.

3: Keeping Up with Pain Pills
Ugh. Dealing with water coming into the family room. And of course, I hurt myself and had to have surgery. And surgery leads to pain pills.