25: Creating Ideas
Coming up with ideas doesn't have to be hard. There are four ways I create new ideas. And I had a moment of insight about being content at a birthday party for our girls.
Coming up with ideas doesn't have to be hard. There are four ways I create new ideas. And I had a moment of insight about being content at a birthday party for our girls.
Having young kids has made us think consciously about the traditions we want to pass down to them. What do we want them to learn? Will our traditions help them see the importance of our view of the world? Are they fun?
The way people structure their morning routine can easily dictate your motivation for the day. But what happens when you can't control the circumstances around your morning? What about kids?
It's time for a confession: I'm addicted to my phone. I want to check Twitter every five minutes and find myself refreshing Feedly every ten. And I hate it.
Numerous times I've said that being able to put off work is an important step of being productive. And when you have a big push, it's even more important to stop.
There are a lot of productivity bloggers and podcasters out there. And we're all looking for ways to get better, faster, and create higher quality products. That's pretty obvious when you read our articles.
I can't believe I've started journaling every day. I've always equated journaling with writing in a diary, which is not for me. But the effects of not journaling caught me off-guard.
When I was 16 I bought my own Compaq laptop. Remember those? I had been using the family computer quite a bit, but this was my own computer. That was the beginning of my journey with technology.
In today’s world it’s easy to connect with more than 150 people. This is how keep up with 300+.
When I was getting started with GTD (Getting Things Done), I wondered what a week looked like for someone who used it. I never found anything along those lines and I recently had a week where I flexed it pretty hard. So I decided to give you a snapshot into my crazy week and see my GTD system in action.
Much like a morning routine, we all have an evening routine. Oftentimes, this means setting out clothes for tomorrow or getting the kids to bed. I do those as well, but I’ve also found satisfaction in reflecting on the day to put it into perspective.
Everyone has a morning routine of some kind - even if it’s just “get up before the kids.” But I think it should be intentional and you can find yours by experimenting and learning what others do.
I was enjoying one of our first daddy-daughter dates. Of course, it was at a coffee shop. It was great! I drank my coffee and Cutie watched the constant movement of people between bites of her cookie.
We do it almost every day. We communicate with another person using a screen of some kind - social media, texts, emails, instant messages.
An infinity app is one with a never-ending stream of some kind. It’s an app that always has new updates for you to consume.
There are a lot of articles about setting up GTD. But I don't see many that show what a typical day looks like when you adopt the framework.
It’s 4:55 am. I roll over to check the clock and realize I’m awake before my alarm goes off. That’s always a good feeling. But why am I awake at this time of day?
Have you ever intentionally left your phone in the car while on a date? Was it freeing or did it feel like prison? Have you ever, like me, found yourself on Twitter while at the dinner table? Was that any different?
We have everything at our fingertips. We can look something up instantly and connect with almost anyone at any time.