Using @WorkflowHQ, I found a user-selectable way to place @OmniFocus templates where you want them.
Targeted OmniFocus Templates With Workflow
I've been impressed by the speed of the Omni Group's release cycles lately. It's obvious they are hard at work on the automation methods for both iOS and macOS. One of these recent releases introduced the ability to create new projects within a specific folder on iOS.
Using Gmail Permalinks [Video]
Earlier this week, I published an article eluding to my use of Gmail's permalinks. It sparked a number of unexpected questions about how to get them and how I use them on both macOS and iOS. But rather than write it out, I figured a screencast would help convey the process better.
Forget Third Party Email Apps
Folks are quite passionate about the software they use to access their email. I fell in that camp for a while but anymore I just don't get it. I think that stems from my intent to touch emails only once, keep my inbox as empty as possible, and use a single archive folder for all emails I want to keep.
Building Systems You Won't Use
I'm always looking for a way to automate a process or develop a structure that removes steps from a frequently repeated task. That's to be expected since I enjoy the world of productivity and do a fair amount of development.
Creating Drafts Actions In Bulk
When the Omni Group implemented the new automation methods in OmniFocus for iOS, I was both excited and worried. I had over 30 actions in Drafts that send text to OmniFocus using background emails as an action method. Switching all of those to use URLs was going to take some time.
When Deep Work Strikes
There are a plethora of articles promoting and dissecting the tenants and principles proposed by Cal Newport in his book, Deep Work. That's what led me to picking it for an episode of Bookworm. After implementing my takeaways for about a month, I can see a decided difference in my productivity and effectiveness. It's what allowed me to release Working With OmniFocus when I did and to develop the depth of detail in those videos.
Introducing The New Working With OmniFocus
Working With OmniFocus has been recreated in video format! It's now available on the new dedicated website: