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9: Daring Greatly by @BreneBrown
10: Start With Why by @simonsinek
11: The Innovator's Dilemma by @claychristensen
A Year Without Extra Screens
For the last year I've been running my business from a MacBook Pro and an iPhone. No iPad. No Watch. And no external monitors.
Information Overwhelm Without The Internet
I hear people refer to information overwhelm more often than I would expect. The context varies but the idea is the same: finding information on the internet is so easy that the person has a hard time deciphering what is right and what to question. Some even take it as far as to suggest Google is making us dumb.
Woodworking Versus Websites
One of the most difficult aspects of building websites or doing knowledge work full-time is the lack of motivation and pride that typically comes from physically seeing the work of your hands. Yes, it is possible to achieve this sense of accomplishment when working purely with information and computers, but it's far from natural.
Moving OmniFocus Scripts To iOS
I have been hesitant to adopt the new automation methods in OmniFocus for iOS. The abilities of the new URL Scheme are exciting but there's still quite a bit missing from the structure as it stands.
Too Much Tech?
One of the common threads in the books we've read for Bookworm is the impact of computers on our effectiveness, self-control, and overall happiness in life. Their prevalence and ubiquity in our world coupled with the newness and speed of their adoption has a lot of us wondering and speculating about the positives and negatives of this shift. So I would expect any book written in the last decade to incorporate thoughts on the topic.