Nice! Let me know if you have any questions.
The Value of Tradition
Having young kids has made us think consciously about the traditions we want to pass down to them. What do we want them to learn? Will our traditions help them see the importance of our view of the world? Are they fun?
An Alternative to Evernote
I've been a supporter of Evernote for a long time. I've written a number of articles on it and convinced a number of friends and family to start using it. But I've run into some issues with it and it's come time to throw in the towel. I'm leaving Evernote.
23: White Space
Leaving space around the edges of your day can have a major impact on your productivity and happiness throughout the day. Also, I'm glad I don't have an Apple Watch.
How to Create Energizing Rituals
I learned about creating rituals after I read The Power of Full Engagement over a year ago. Since that time I've been figuring a few things out about building and implementing energizing rituals.
Budgeting and Irregular Expenses
You're cruising along and your bank account is looking good. But then, surprise! You get the bill for your car insurance premium and everything is out the window.
22: Addiction to Numbers
Since I started my business I've developed an addiction to checking numbers. But I watched a webinar last week that really changed the game for me and has me hand writing my schedule for the day.