Top Five Books From 2016
In the past I've wanted to be a reader and yet never picked up a book. But that changed when I said yes to Bookworm. Since then I've read 16 books for Bookworm and four more on my own. And I'm on pace to read three more by year's end.
I was recently reflecting on the year and began thumbing through my growing collection of finished books. It was then that I realized I have a few favorites. So I figured why not share them with you? Here are my top five:
Deep Work by Cal Newport
Mike has a new Apple device despite his minimizing efforts and Joe has finally done something about his email issue. Mike’s tweet on #NationalBookLoversDay Twitter Moments Leaders Eat Last by...
I've known the value of setting aside dedicated work sessions for a while. But it wasn't until I read Deep Work and discussed it with Mike that the importance of disconnection and extended focus on a task fully struck me. It is within those times that my most valuable work emerges. Newport does an excellent job explaining the how and why behind deep work sessions.
The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield
Whether it’s writing or building a business, we all struggle to put in the work to create. Mike and Joe discuss going pro with their art and overcoming resistance. Calm...
Regardless of whether we realize or confess it, we are all creative in some way. The degree of creativity within us varies, of course, but it's there. The trouble is fighting the voice in our mind that tells us not to create and keeps us from doing unique work. Pressfield calls this Resistance and he carefully picks apart the tactics Resistance uses to stop us. I consider this a must-read for anyone who is a maker or who uses knowledge to do their work.
Daring Greatly By Brené Brown
We’re trying a different flavor of book this time and discussing our relationships and feelings with Brené Brown’s Daring Greatly. 8: The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr, Tony...
Being vulnerable is not something most of us do voluntarily. And for some of us it invokes fear. The last thing on our minds is being open, honest, and willing to endure rejection. But as Brown points out, that is exactly what we must do in order to achieve and build meaningful relationships. It's also the key ingredient to accomplishing the big and the impactful. It helps us take a chance and do something important.
Managing Oneself By Peter Drucker
One of the most valuable tasks you can begin is the development of your self-awareness. This week Mike and Joe delve into the questions posed by Peter Drucker that prompt...
Over the last two years I've been on a journey of self-awareness. The value of understanding myself, how I think, and what makes me a good worker is invaluable. Despite having started this adventure previously, Drucker drives the point home in this quick read. It's packed full of insights that will make you slow down and process the words. This book changed my view of myself and helped me ask the necessary questions that prompted a plethora of personal insight.
The Checklist Manifesto By Atul Gawande
Mike loves his coffee and he’s trying to drag Joe along. But that still doesn’t stop them from talking checklists and the power they hold. Ruby Coffee Roasters Bitsbox –...
I've been a list maker for years. I know they have a lot of value, but I had never realized why they help and their importance in everyday projects until I read this story by Gawande. As a surgeon, he explains his journey and continual discoveries that led him to the creation of a "safe surgery" checklist. It's the process and the volume of stories that reveal the power of the simple checklist.
Bonus: God's Smuggler By Brother Andrew
God's Smuggler [Brother Andrew, Sherrill, John, Sherrill, Elizabeth] on FREE shipping on qualifying offers. God's Smuggler
Brother Andrew has quite a story about his life of taking Bibles behind the Iron Curtain. It's one of encouragement and brings with it motivation and a call to action for the Christian. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in a story about the power of the Bible.