A good night for a new book. #peopleoverprofit https://www.instagram.com/p/BDJygsHLQq-/
If Apple encryption engineers walk, that's a lose-lose for Apple and the FBI - http://loopu.in/1LuOwzH
What?! How did I not think of this? https://twitter.com/lifehacker/status/709794560193462273
"Thoughts on iOS Night Shift" http://mikeschmitz.me/night-shift-ios/ by @bobbleheadjoe
At least try not to contradict yourself if you're going to send hate mail. https://twitter.com/viticci/status/710875032113774592
So true. Well said, Brent. https://twitter.com/brentkallmer/status/709830476580724736
Small steps continually taken over long periods of time go a long way. https://twitter.com/amahnke/status/710844690543808512
"Q&A: My Writing Workflow" http://shawnblanc.net/2016/03/qa-my-writing-workflow/ by @shawnblanc
Here's a detailed look at how I use text files. Apps involved: Editorial, @nvALTApp, @sublimehq, and @draftsapp. http://joebuhlig.com/text-file-setup-and-workflow/
New Post: Text File Setup and Workflow http://joebuhlig.com/text-file-setup-and-workflow/
"How to Anticipate Someone’s Thought Patterns" http://theartofcharm.com/jordan-social-capital-advice/how-to-anticipate-someones-thought-patterns/ by @theartofcharm
Text File Setup and Workflow
Now that I've moved away from Evernote, the primary way I store information is through text files. It's taken me a while to get it nailed down but I've managed to simplify the number of apps I use and the flow of text across my devices.
Excellent article by the man himself on the flow of ideas. http://gettingthingsdone.com/2016/03/where-do-your-good-ideas-flow/ by @gtdguy
"A Simple Way To Determine The Loyalty Of Your Best Employees" http://www.mitchellharper.me/blog/a-simple-way-to-determine-the-loyalty-of-your-best-employees/ by @mitchellharper
Been using Scanner Pro for a while. Pretty stoked about the OCR add. 👍 https://twitter.com/simplicitybliss/status/710483368455045120
Learned some new tricks for Siri. https://twitter.com/myproductivemac/status/709843076836139008
Gotta love tips that make you more like Jason Bourne http://www.artofmanliness.com/2016/03/15/10-tests-exercises-and-games-to-heighten-your-senses-and-situational-awareness/ by @artofmanliness
Some excellent gear here. And at good prices. https://twitter.com/toolstoys/status/710201728679985153
Thanks to all who joined #OmniFocus Workflows with @timstringer today! It’s happening again TOMORROW at 2pm PDT: http://bit.ly/1M8jwFB
It's easier to trust these when the writer actually has success with it. https://twitter.com/dalepartridge/status/709930436827471872
That looks like something ripe for @TextExpander. https://twitter.com/macautotips/status/710207081270353920
"The Five-Minute Rule" http://shawnblanc.net/2016/03/five-minutes/ by @shawnblanc
"My GTD System #3 - Working the system" http://www.jayblanco.com/blog/2016/3/13/my-gtd-system-3-w by @bkkkk
Love this idea. May alter and tweak the concept into my own. https://twitter.com/myproductivemac/status/709879421910523905
Really looking forward to this! https://twitter.com/donmcallister/status/710052467812118528
I apologize for being a bit off-topic lately. It's time to focus. http://joebuhlig.com/28/
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