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M1 Mac mini update:

I am not impressed at all. If everything stays on the machine, it does fine. When I start trying to pass video into and out of the thing (both hard lined and networked), it’s ridiculously finicky and breaks a lot. 🤷‍♂️

@mruizalba @JoeBuhlig Sure. I use @obsdmd for my notes, so everything is searchable and taggable. Resources is filled with book/podcast/article highlights. I use @readwiseio to sync my kindle to it. I also have notes with Dropbox links to external files like spreadsheets or images.

@HugoCast_ @mruizalba @obsdmd @readwiseio Can you elaborate on Resources vs Reference?

@HugoCast_ @JoeBuhlig @obsdmd @readwiseio How’s life with Obsidian? I have ended up using Evernote (again). I tried Notion but it did not work for me.

@mruizalba @HugoCast_ @obsdmd @readwiseio I’ve been growing more and more comfortable with it. I am a bit careful with how I format my notes, though. I still find myself opening them with Multimarkdown Composer and Sublime Text regularly. I want the flexibility.
