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We’re a little less than an hour out!

I should note that the goal is a 30 minute webinar. Could go longer if there are a lot of questions, but I want to keep it engaging and not drawn out.

If you missed this webinar early today, here you are! Recording is now available.

This was such a fun overview to give of plain files. I’m really looking forward to seeing what comes of the course that this was based on.

We’re a little less than an hour out!

I should note that the goal is a 30 minute webinar. Could go longer if there are a lot of questions, but I want to keep it engaging and not drawn out.

I’ve been on a progression towards anti-proprietary for a few years now. I couldn’t have explained it that way when I started, but it is now becoming a sort ...

This is today! Be sure to register before 1 PM Central.

I’ve been on a progression towards anti-proprietary for a few years now. I couldn’t have explained it that way when I started, but it is now becoming a sort ...

@JoeBuhlig I had an El Gato device. I think it was this one:
I imported and dumped to Final Cut Pro.
The biggest headache was audio drift. I kept having to sync it up. I’m a video novice, and I’m sure someone like yourself could probably fix that with minimal effort

@paulbrown Thanks, Paul! The audio drift issue sounds like a clock issue or a variable frame rate capture. Good to know, though. Thanks!

@JoeBuhlig Pay someone. 😃
In all seriousness, I converted like 15 family VHS tapes from my childhood, and my OCD kicked in and I made menu screens and everything. It was miserable and took forever. All that said, I’m happy I did it because I gave the DVDs to everyone that Christmas

@paulbrown How did you do the conversion? But a converter box of sorts? Totally get you on the OCD thing, though. 😉
